Geigercounter with KNX IP

· 2 min read
Geigercounter with KNX IP

Having a KNX IP backbone with IP routers working I wanted to see if I can build some DIY sensors using it, and check if this is a stable solution for non-critical use cases.

After building a module using ESPHome, I thought of converting it using KNX IP (ie. broadcast over WiFi to a broadcast address to report sensor values)

Install Arduino IDE if not done yet.

Go to and download version for your OS.

On Linux do not install via sudo apt install Arduino, it's old!

Unpack the archive and run sudo ./ from it.

Next, open Arduino IDE and go to [File => Preferences]. A dialog box appears. In this box, an additional board manager URL text box is present.

Now we need to install the esp-knx-ip library.

Go to the GitHub page and under releases download the zip, I have version

A KNX/IP library for the ESP8266 with Arduino. Contribute to envy/esp-knx-ip development by creating an account on GitHub.
  • Open Sketch menu Library menu, select Include Library and Add .ZIP Library
  • Select downloaded archive

Do the same with the ESP8266 library from here,

  • Open Boards manager and install esp8266
ESP8266 core for Arduino. Contribute to esp8266/Arduino development by creating an account on GitHub.